How to reserve the computer?
Here is the step-by-step process on how to reserve a computer:
1. Go to Mapúa LibCal at > Book an Equipment > Computer or AR Computer
2. Click “Availability”.
3. Choose a computer and time.
Note: Select your chosen computer and time from the list of iMacs.
Green is available, red is in use, and orange is your reservation.
4. Add to Cart and Checkout your chosen computer.
5. Click the “Add to cart & check-out” to proceed with your transaction.
6. Fill up the form.
Note: Present the email to the appointed Librarian.
7. Ask Librarian in charge for assistance in using the device.
8. Once done using the computer, inform or notify the staff.
Note: To ensure that the computer is no longer occupied, and ready for the next user.