Can Outside and External Researchers enter Mapúa Library and use its resources?
Yes, you may access the resources and enter the Mapúa Library; kindly follow these procedures:
1. Visiting users shall plan their visit and check if the materials they need are available at Mapúa Libraries (Intramuros and Makati). Search through Mapúa Library One Search.
2. Visiting users shall contact the library to provide the list of requested materials (complete details)
• - for Intramuros
• - for Makati
4. Visiting users shall wait for an email confirmation of the availability of the materials before going to Mapúa Intramuros or Makati.
5. Visiting users shall secure a referral letter from their Library and email it to (Intramuros) or (Makati).
6. Alumni who wish to use and access the reading area and resources shall send an email to (Intramuros) or (Makati) for reservation.
7. Mapúa Libraries shall accommodate a total number of 16 visiting users per day.
8. All library materials are for room use only.
9. Access to facilities is limited to reading and collection areas.