How to set up Turnitin on Blackboard (Faculty)?



  1. Choose the COURSE that you wish to set up Turnitin and click on it.
  2. On the left side of your page, choose any of your created content where you want your student to send their papers for similarity checking.
  3. Once it is open, click on the BUILT Content page and choose TURNITIN.
  4. Fill out the necessary information on the GENERAL SETTINGS to set up Turnitin for this assignment. Once done, click on the CREATE ASSIGNMENT button.
  5. Refresh the page to see the created assignment. You may find it at the end of the page.
  6. Click on the created assignment and update the SIMILARITY SETTING.
    PLEASE REMEMBER that you need to "turn off" the Index Submitted Works if you don't want your paper to be submitted to Turnitin repositories.
  7. Click on the SAVE SETTINGS once you're done.
  8. Your students may now upload their papers on Turnitin for this particular assignment.
  • Last Updated Apr 06, 2024
  • Views 213
  • Answered By Kim Soria

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