How can I reserve a discussion pod?


Here is the step-by-step process on how to reserve a discussion pod: 

1. Discussion Pod consists of two units; each set or unit must be used by 3-4 students.

2. The use of space is by reservation.

    2.a. Go at Mapúa LibCal at> Book an Equipment > Discussion Pods.

3. Click “Availability”.

4. Choose a Pod and time of reservation.

   Note that green is available, red is in use, and orange is your reservation.

5. Click “Add to Cart & Checkout” to proceed.

   Note: Use of the space is available to all and is free of charge.

6. Fill-out the questions of the booking details, then submit.

7. Ask Librarian in charge for assistance in using the pod.

    Note: Arrive on time and go to the Internet counter at least 5 minutes before the schedule.

    All members must be present.

8. Receive the reservation signage and input it on the acrylic stand.

    Surrender one (1) Mapua ID to the staff at the counter. Proceed to the Discussion Pod after consulting the Librarian and use the materials with care.

9. Enjoy your stay and study well.

10. After using the pod, return the reservation signage to the assigned Librarian.

     Receive your one (1) Mapua ID. This is to ensure that the discussion pod is no longer occupied, and ready for the next user.

  • Last Updated Jun 22, 2024
  • Views 53
  • Answered By

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